Sunday 14 July 2013

class action lawsuits against pharma companies and politicians

As well as several other organizations and their leaders.
This action was in
International Criminal Court
by Dr. Matthias Rath and others
on behalf of the people of the world

To the prosecutor of the
International Criminal Court,
Senator Louis Moreno-Ocampo,
c / o International Court
Maanweg 174
NL-2516 AB Den Haag / The Hague


This action brings the greatest crimes before the International Criminal Court (ICC), which were ever committed in the history of mankind. The accused persons are charged with the health and lives of millions of people through the "business with disease" destroyed, war crimes and other crimes against humanity to have committed. These crimes fall under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

The defendants know that they will be held accountable for these crimes, and for this reason have started a worldwide campaign to undermine the authority of the ICC and to put themselves above international law to continue to grow their crimes to the detriment of all people to commit.

For this reason, this action by the ICC must be treated with the utmost urgency. In addition, any natural person and every government is hereby called to join this action with the aim of ending these crimes once and for all to an end.

The cartel

The charges that are raised in this complaint relate to two major crime areas:

Genocide and other crimes against humanity that were committed in connection with the business of the disease in the pharmaceutical industry.
War crimes, crimes of aggression and other crimes against humanity, which recently led war and the international escalation towards a world were committed in connection with the war against Iraq.
These two fields of crime are directly related to each other and are connected by a common: they were one and done in the name and interest of the same corporate investment groups and their political stooges. To provide evidence for this claim and to provide the common motives of the accused, a brief history is essential.

In the 20th Century, the pharmaceutical industry was built and organized with the aim to monitor the health systems around the world by systematically engaging all non-patentable natural therapies are replaced by patentable and therefore profitable synthetic drugs. This industry did not develop in a natural way. Quite the contrary: It owes its existence to the investment decision of a handful of rich and unscrupulous entrepreneurs. They declared the human body to its market to become even richer.

The driving force of the investment industry was the Rockefeller group. On the threshold of 19 20th Century they already controlled more than 90% of the petrochemical business in the United States, searching for new global investment opportunities. Another investment group that is active in this area, formed by the financial group of Rothschild.

The cartel and the Second World War

In the first half of the 20th Century by Rockefeller's Standard Oil (now Exxon) IG Farben headquarters in Germany, the second largest pharmaceutical / petrochemical conglomerate in the world. This conglomerate was the most important factor for the political power of Hitler and their joint conquest of Europe and the world. The Second World War was a war of aggression was planned, started and conducted in the planning offices of IG Farben. IG Farben was the parent company of IG Auschwitz, the largest industrial plant producing this chemical cartel outside of Germany. A large part of the wealth of this cartel was based on the blood and suffering of the people and laborers from the Auschwitz concentration camp. IG Farben supported and used the ruthless political leaders of Germany as willing tools to gain economic supremacy over Europe and the rest of the world.

IG Farben was the largest shareholder of Rockefeller's Standard Oil, and vice versa. The Allied victory over Nazi Germany at that time thwarted the plans of IG Farben, to become the world's leading pharmaceutical and petrochemical conglomerate. At the same time, Standard Oil and other pharmaceutical / petrochemical companies at the Rockefeller consortium were the controlling group of financial industry and they still are today.

In the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1947 against the managers of the IG Farben cartel, some of them of crimes against humanity - including mass murder, looting and other crimes - found guilty and sentenced. The Nuremberg Tribunal also split the IG Farben cartel in the subsidiaries Hoechst, Bayer and BASF. Today, each of these companies is greater than the parent IG Farben was then.

The United States and Britain are the leading export nations of pharmaceutical products of our time. The fact is that two thirds of all pharmaceutical agents that are currently on the market worldwide, are companies from these two countries.

The foundation of the pharmaceutical business

The defendants are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people who continue to die from cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases that long ago could have been avoided and eradicated.

This premature death of millions of people is neither random nor the result of negligence. He was consciously and systematically organized on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry and its investors with the sole aim to further expand the global trillion-drug market.

The market for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body and their profitability depends on the persistence and spread of disease. Your profits depend on the patentability of drugs that make this industry profitable on earth.

In contrast, the prevention and eradication of diseases, the markets for pharmaceutical agents significantly reduces or even eliminates it completely. For this reason, the pharmaceutical companies have systematically hindered the prevention and eradication of diseases.

To commit these crimes, the pharmaceutical company of a dense network of executive bodies and complicity in science, medicine, the media and politics operate. The governments of nations are manipulated by lobbyists and former managers of the pharmaceutical industry or even out. For decades, the law of nations is corrupted and misused to support this "multi-billion dollar business with disease" to the health and lives of millions of innocent patients and people is at stake.

Precondition for the rise of the pharmaceutical industry as a successful investment business was the elimination of competition in the form of safe and natural therapies because they are not patentable and bring little profit. In addition, naturopathy can help due to their important role in cell metabolism effectively to prevent and eradicate diseases.

As a result of the systematic elimination of natural healing methods and the takeover of the health care systems in most countries of the world pharmaceutical industry millions of people and has made almost all nations depending on their investment business.

The pharmaceutical industry as an organized fraud business

The pharmaceutical industry provides millions of patients "health" to - but does not deliver it. What it provides instead, products that best address the symptoms, while promoting the underlying causes as a prerequisite for future business are. To hide their fraud, this industry is twice as much money on such concealment measures for the exploration of future treatments.

This organized deception is the reason why this investment business was almost a century are behind a facade built strategically as a "benefactor" of humanity. The lives of 6 billion people and the economies of most countries in the world are held by the criminal activities of this industry hostage.

Exposure of the pharmaceutical "business with disease"

In the past ten years I have led the effort to uncover the organized fraud of this largest investment industry in the world. I've been trying to make with all my available funds advised that the biggest obstacle on the path to better health of the people in the pharmaceutical industry on the planet itself - and its nature as an investment industry, from the propagation diseases is driven.

As a scientist, I had the privilege to discover the true cause of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Together with my colleagues and other people I have significantly contributed to the documentation of effective, natural and non-patentable alternatives to pharmaceutical "business with disease". The identification of the natural molecules that optimize cellular metabolism, allows us the most common diseases of our time - largely to prevent and eradicate - including cardiovascular disease, cancer and many other diseases.

Context of the current international crisis and war of aggression against Iraq

Currently, four main factors threatening the survival of the pharmaceutical industry, and thus the basis for a long-term investment industry worth tens of trillions of dollars:

Intractable legal conflicts that result in a flood of product liability class actions against many pharmaceutical companies.
Intractable conflicts because of the groundbreaking scientific discoveries in the field of non patentable natural therapies, eradicate the diseases effectively and extensively, thus making the human body as a useless market.
Intractable ethical conflicts that result in loss of credibility for the entire pharmaceutical business due to the fact that their exorbitant patent fees for the majority of people restrict access to medicines, thereby risking the premature death of millions.
Entrepreneurial unsolvable conflicts. The exposure of the pharmaceutical business as organized fraud.
For decades the pharmaceutical cartel is making efforts to protect its global business with patented drugs and to prohibit the dissemination of competing, non-patentable health alternatives. These efforts are being made at the international level by infiltration of the European Parliament and the abuse of the World Health Organization and other United Nations organizations.

Now, as the largest investment industry on earth has been exposed as organized fraud business - and is followed by tens of thousands of liability lawsuits - are immediate and global industry protection laws urgently need to camouflage these crimes and the continuing control "investment business with disease" about the health the people to cement worldwide.

These far-reaching protection laws for organized fraud business included the restriction of civil rights, and other drastic measures that would not be feasible in peacetime. The implementation of these measures required the escalation of an international crisis, a series of military conflicts that result in intentional use of weapons of mass destruction and triggering a world war. Only a global psychological situation would arise which would allow the task of civil rights. It would reign of martial law and the global implementation of protection laws that allowed the defendants to continue their "business with disease" and other crimes, nothing more stands in the way.

In this situation, the pharmaceutical industry became the largest industrial donor for the election of George Bush in order to directly influence the most powerful political and military center of the world. With the election of George Bush, the Rockefeller investment group had direct access to the White House, the Pentagon and the political decisions that were made there. Similar influence exerted the Rothschild Group in the UK on the government of Tony Blair.

It was also not surprising that the two biggest export nations of pharmaceutical products - the United States and Britain - led the current international crisis and instigated the war against Iraq. The alleged necessity of this war were the people in America, the UK and the rest of the world under the guise of the global fight against "terrorism," the elimination of terrorist regimes and presents the Crusade against armament of weapons of mass destruction.

The same corporate interest groups and the same political henchmen, who are responsible for millions of deaths as a result of their continued business with disease, are now also responsible for the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq were risking, and for the death of young soldiers from America, Great Britain and other countries. You are responsible for ensuring that began and led a war of aggression against Iraq without international mandate. You are responsible for the enslavement, looting and other crimes committed in occupied Iraq currently.

If these interest groups and their political henchmen are not pulled immediately for these crimes, they will probably operate the escalating international crisis with the not inconsiderable risk of a war with weapons of mass destruction continue.

In this critical and historical situation I bring to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, these crimes against humanity, these war crimes and the crimes of aggression and genocide to the attention and urge him to be immediately active to further crimes and the worst disaster, a World War II to prevent.

All people, governments, companies and organizations around the world who have suffered from these crimes or want to put an end are called upon to join this lawsuit.

The allegations in this complaint relate to two main areas:

Crimes that have been committed by the pharmaceutical "business with disease", including the crime of genocide and other crimes against humanity.
Crimes relating to the 2003 war against Iraq and the international escalation towards a world war, including war crimes and crimes of aggression and other crimes against humanity.
These two fields of crime are directly related to each other, because in the name and interest of the same corporate investment groups and their political henchmen have been committed. The defendants are accused of serious crimes that were committed against all mankind, and therefore subject to international law.

1 Crimes that have been committed in connection with the pharmaceutical "business with disease"

1.1. The crime of genocide

The defendants are guilty of the crime of genocide, for they are under Article 6 of the ICC Statute criminally responsible. This includes crimes without being limited to, the following specific crimes:

1.1.1. Genocide by killing (article 6)
1.1.2. Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (Article 6b)
1.2.3. Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life that are likely to bring about the physical destruction in whole or in part (6c)

1.2. Crimes against humanity

The defendants are guilty of crimes against humanity, for they are under Article 7 of the ICC Statute criminally responsible. This includes crimes without being limited to, the following specific crimes:

1.2.1. Crimes against humanity in the form of premeditated murder (Article 7a)
1.2.2. Crimes against humanity in the form of extermination (Article 7b)
1.2.3. Crimes against humanity in the form of enslavement (Article 7c)
1.2.4. Crimes against humanity in the form of severe deprivation of physical liberty (Article 7e)
1.2.5. Crimes against humanity in the form of other inhumane acts (Article 7k)

Summary of the justification of the charges relating to the crimes that are connected to the pharmaceutical "business with disease" (charges 1.1 -. 1.2.)

The defendants received consciously and systematically cardiovascular disease - including high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetic complications and other diseases - cancer, infectious diseases - including AIDS - Osteoporosis and many other of today's most common diseases upright, which are recognized to be largely prevented by natural means could. The accused have deliberately caused the unnecessary suffering and the premature death of millions of people.
The accused systematically and deliberately prevent the eradication of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases by interfering with the distribution of life-saving information about the health benefits of natural, non-patentable therapies and block. Thereby, the accused have deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and the premature death of millions of people.
The accused deliberately and systematically spread existing diseases and creating new diseases by manufacturing and selling in the short term alleviate the symptoms pharmaceutical agents, but at the same time have known and harmful long-term side effects. Thereby, the accused have deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and the premature death of millions of people.
Detailed information will follow in the section on the evidence.
2 Specific crimes that were committed in connection with the war against Iraq and the current international crisis

2.1. The crime of genocide

The defendants are guilty of the crime of genocide, for they are under Article 6 of the ICC Statute criminally responsible. For the purposes of this Statute, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, as a national, ethnical, racial or religious group in whole or in part. This includes crimes without being limited to, the following specific crimes:

2.1.1. Genocide by killing (article 6)
2.1.2. Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (Article 6b)
2.1.3. Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life that are likely to bring about the physical destruction in whole or in part (6c)

2.2. Crimes against humanity

Within the meaning of Article 7 of the Rome Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack. This includes crimes without being limited to, the following specific crimes:

2.2.1. Crimes against humanity in the form of premeditated murder (Article 7a)
2.2.2. Crimes against humanity in the form of extermination (Article 7b)
2.2.3. Crimes against humanity in the form of enslavement (Article 7c)
2.2.4. Crimes against humanity in the form of expulsion
or forcible transfer of population (Article 7d)
2.2.5. Crimes against humanity in the form of deprivation of liberty
or other severe deprivation of physical liberty (Article 7e)
2.2.6. Crimes against humanity in the form of other inhumane acts (Article 7k) similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.

2.3. War Crimes

Within the meaning of Article 8 of the Rome Statute, "war crimes" means a serious breach of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (Geneva Convention regarding the treatment of prisoners of war, Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War). Therefore, the term "war crimes" within the meaning of the statute, but are not limited to:

2.3.1. War crime of willful killing (Article 8 (2) (a) (i))
2.3.2. War crime of torture (Article 8 (2) (a) (ii) -1)
2.3.3. War crime of inhuman treatment (Article 8 (2) (a) (ii) -2)
2.3.4. War crime of biological experiments (Article 8 (2) (a) (ii) -3)
2.3.5. War crime of intentionally causing great suffering
(Article 8 (2) (a) (iii))
2.3.6. War crime of destruction and appropriation of property
(Article 8 (2) (a) (iv))
2.3.7. War crime of willful deprivation of the right to a fair and
fair trial (Article 8 (2) (a) (vi))
2.3.8. War crime of unlawful deportation or transfer
(Article 8 (2) (a) (vii) -1)
2.3.9. War crime of unlawful detention (Article 8 (2) (a) (vii) -2)
2.3.10. War crime of kidnapping (Article 8 (2) (a) (viii))
2.3.11. War crime of intentional attacks on civilians
(Article 8 (2) (b) (i))
2.3.12. War crime of deliberate attacks on civilian objects
(Article 8 (2) (b) (ii))
2.3.13. War crime of willful attacks with disproportionate loss of life, injury to civilians of disproportionate or
disproportionate damage to civilian objects (Article 8 (2) (b) (iv))
2.3.14. War crime of attacking undefended places (Article 8 (2) (b) (v))
2.3.15. War crime of killing or wounding a arms or having unarmed combatants (Article 8 (2) (b) (vi))
2.3.16. War crime of mutilation (Article 8 (2) (b) (x) -1)
2.3.17. War crime of destroying or seizing the enemy's property
(Article 8 (2) (b) (xiii))
2.3.18. War crimes in the form of waiver of rights and claims of nationals of the hostile party (Article 8 (2) (b) (xiv))
2.3.19. War crime of use of poison or poisoned weapons
(Article 8 (2) (b) (xvii))
2.3.20. War crime of use of prohibited bullets
(Article 8 (2) (b) (xix))
2.3.21. War crime of outrages upon personal dignity
(Article 8 (2) (b) (xxi))
2.3.22. War crime of willful starvation as a method of
Warfare (Article 8 (2) (b) (xxv))
2.3.23. War crime of willful killing (Article 8 (2) (c) (i) -1)
2.3.24. War crime of cruel treatment (Article 8 (2) (c) (i) -3)

Summary of the justification of the charges relating to the crimes that are connected with the war of aggression against Iraq and the current international crisis (accusations 2.1.1 - 2.3.24)

The accused have deliberately started an aggressive war without any international mandate in Iraq.
The defendants intentionally stir up an international crisis situation, including military and psychological warfare. The aim of this escalation strategy is the creation of a global state of emergency, which allows the suspension of civil rights around the world - including the enactment of far-reaching protection laws. War of aggression against Iraq under the pretext of the global fight against "terrorism" and the Crusade against armament of weapons of mass destruction is part of this strategy.
The accused during the war of aggression against the Iraqi people aware of the crimes of genocide, willful killing and mutilation committed and caused other serious physical and mental damage.
The defendants committed the crime of destruction and confiscation public and private property intentionally during and after the war of aggression. Iraq has the second largest oil reserves on earth, which are now being plundered for personal enrichment of the defendant.
Detailed information will follow in the section on the evidence.

The war crimes trial against managers of pharmaceutical / petrochemical cartel IG Farben

More than half a century of war crimes trial against the managers of IG Farben took place, the largest pharmaceutical and petrochemical cartel in Europe before the war. The war crimes trial has brought to justice those who were responsible for the Second World War and created the precedent for the international prosecution of war crimes and finally the International Court in The Hague.

Many people do not know that the war crimes trial not only punished the political and military leaders, but also the business manager who had helped Hitler to power. Against 24 executives and managers of IG Farben has been indicted war criminals in this process. U.S. chief prosecutor Telford Taylor said in his opening speech: "The indictment accuses these men of full responsibility for having brought the most devastating and catastrophic war in history over humanity. They are accused of mass enslavement, looting and killing. These are extremely serious allegations. "

And he continued: "These business leaders accused and not insane Nazis are the main war criminals. If their crimes are not brought to light, and if they are not punished, they will still commit crimes in the future far greater than Hitler could ever could. "

1947 were the main charges against the managers of IG Farben as follows:

Count 1: planning and implementing a war of aggression and conquest of other countries with the result of unprecedented destruction on the world, the death of millions of people and the continued suffering of millions.
Count 2: abduction, looting and destroying public and private property in the occupied countries for the purpose of permanent economic control in these countries and other serious crimes.
Count 3: slavery, mistreatment, terrorization, torture and murder of millions of people.
Now, half a century later, the charges in this indictment strikingly similar loud:

Planning and carrying out a war of aggression against Iraq under the pretext of the fight against international terrorism and the upgrade of weapons of mass destruction, with the result that large areas of the country are devastated, thousands of people have died and hundreds were injured.
Looting and destruction of public and private property in the pursuit of economic power and control in all regions of the world by stirring up an international crisis. In this war of aggression, the defendants have intentionally scheduled the use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
Genocide by killing, by causing serious bodily harm and by the imposition of conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction, and crimes against humanity in the form of premeditated murder and other inhumane acts.

The evidence of the suggestions made in this indictment also charges relate to two main areas of crime:

Evidence for the genocide and other crimes against humanity that were committed in connection with the business of the disease in the pharmaceutical industry.
Evidence of war crimes, crimes of aggression and other crimes against humanity that were committed in connection with the recently led war against Iraq and the international escalation towards a world war.
1 Evidence for the genocide and other crimes against humanity that were committed in connection with the business of the disease in the pharmaceutical industry

It will be provided to prove that the defendants are responsible for the conscious as possible maintenance and spread of diseases, the intentional creation of new diseases and the extension of the use of drugs that were originally registered for a disease to so many diseases.

To achieve these objectives, the defendants have created a global business fraud strategically planned, conducted and organized, is unparalleled in the history of mankind in terms of its economic scale.

I.1. The deliberate spread of disease

The evidence referred to below, shows that the most common diseases of our time are deliberately maintained and disseminated by the defendants, even though these diseases have effectively prevented and can be largely eradicated, so that millions of lives would have been saved.

1.1.1. Coronary heart disease

The primary cause of coronary heart disease and heart attack is a weakening of the structure and the impaired function of the arterial walls, which - like scurvy - develops as a result of a prolonged deficiency of vitamins and other essential nutrients.

However, the methods of the pharmaceutical industry for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases cause knowingly ignore this and instead focus on treating the symptoms, such as lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.

While these pharmaceutical agents intentionally prevent a cure of the diseases for which they are sold, their harmful side effects cause new diseases. The global death rate due to cardiovascular disease as a result of intentional crimes of the accused amounts to 12 million lives a year.

1.1.2. High blood pressure

The primary cause of high blood pressure is an increased tension of the arterial wall due to a lack of essential nutrients in the arterial smooth muscle cells. A narrowing of the arteries diameter and increase in blood pressure will result. A variety of clinical studies documented the advantages of non-patentable micronutrients, in particular the amino acid arginine, and of magnesium. Correct the underlying defect in millions of vascular wall cells, so that relax the blood vessel walls, increases the diameter of blood vessels and consequently normalize the blood pressure.

Pharmaceutical preparations that are sold for the treatment of high blood pressure, are deliberately targeted from just treating the symptoms. To insert example beta blockers reduce the heart rate and reduce blood volume diuretics. Prevent these pharmaceutical agents aware of the correction of the "spasms" of the blood vessel walls, the primary cause of high blood pressure. While these pharmaceutical agents that is intentionally preventing the healing of diseases, they have other harmful long-term side effects which may require a number of new diseases - and thus new drugs markets - create.

As a direct result of these machinations of the defendants experienced world hundreds of millions of hypertensive patients no cure - and the death toll continues to rise day by day.

1.1.3. Heart failure

The primary cause of heart failure is a lack of Zellbiokatalysatoren, certain vitamins, minerals, carnitine, coenzyme Q10 and other bioenergy sources in millions of heart muscle cells. This deficiency results in impaired heart pumping function and the accumulation of water in the body.

The method of the pharmaceutical industry for the treatment of heart failure, however, deliberately ignore this fact and focus on the symptoms. Diuretics, which are marketed for the treatment of heart failure, not only eliminate the water that has accumulated in the body, but also flood vitamins, minerals and other water-soluble bioenergy from. The pharmaceutical agents that are sold for the treatment of heart failure, thus aggravate the disease and are therefore after the start of medication with diuretics for the short life expectancy of heart failure patients responsible.

While this means a pharmaceutical cure for the disease deliberately prevent them from flooding the same essential nutrients from the body, thereby aggravating the underlying cause of the disease. As a direct result of the machinations of the defendants more than one hundred million patients worldwide have to continue to wait with heart failure on their healing and will eventually die prematurely.

1.1.4. Arrhythmias

The primary cause of cardiac arrhythmia is a lack of micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, ubiquinone and other bioenergy sources in millions of "electric" heart muscle cells. This deficiency results in a deterioration of the production or conduction of electrical impulses, which are necessary for a normal heart beat. A recent placebo-controlled double-blind study has clearly documented that the therapeutic use of micronutrients is an effective, safe and affordable way to correct the disease, which is located underlying arrhythmia.

The method of the pharmaceutical industry for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias but deliberately ignore this fact, and instead focus on the symptoms. The antiarrhythmic drugs that are marketed for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, often aggravate the disease and cause a suspension of the heartbeat and the premature death of patients.

Ten years ago, the author Thomas Moore documented in his book "Deadly Medicine", that a new class of antiarrhythmic drugs had called in the U.S. alone more deaths than the Vietnam War on the American side. As a direct result of these machinations of the defendants world learn more than one hundred million patients with cardiac arrhythmias no cure - and the death toll continues to rise day by day.

1.1.5. Cancer

Until recently, cancer was still considered a death sentence. The latest advances in the field of natural medicine and cellular medicine, however, this changed. As has been shown, was by the defendants in favor of ineffective drugs that allow the spread of the cancer epidemic as one of the most profitable markets of the accused, medical research intentionally neglected for this disease with non-patentable therapies and excluded. Because of the extraordinary importance of the crimes that were committed by the defendants in connection with the cancer epidemic that is discussed in more detail below on this point.

It is a scientific fact that all cancers spread by using the same mechanism: They use kollagenverdauender enzymes (collagenases, metalloproteinases). The therapeutic use of natural amino acid lysine - especially together with other non-patentable micronutrients - can block these enzymes and thus inhibit the spread of cancer cells or even prevent it altogether. All cancers that have been studied respond to this therapeutic method, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, fibroblastoma, Synovialkrebs and all other forms of cancer.

The only reason why this was not pursued further breakthrough in medicine and did not reach the world for use in the treatment of cancer patients is due to the fact that these substances are not patentable and therefore to poor earnings. More importantly, however, that the effective treatment of a disease eventually leads to their elimination and thus to the destruction of a multi-trillion market for pharmaceuticals.

The marketing of pharmaceuticals for cancer patients is particularly fraudulent and despicable. Under the pretext of treating the cancer, patients are under the alias "chemotherapy" toxic substances, including mustard gas derivatives administered. The fact that these toxic agents also destroy millions of healthy cells in the body is consciously accepted.

With this knowledge, the following conclusions were deliberately considered: First, cancer would still rampant worldwide epidemic and thus form the economic basis for the existence of the multi-billion business with this disease. Second, the systematic administration of toxic agents in the form of chemotherapy creates a new epidemic diseases in cancer patients who receive these toxic substances.

As a result of this strategy is the market for pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of dangerous side effects of these drugs - including infection, inflammation, bleeding, organ failure, etc. - even bigger than the market itself the chemotherapy agent so the defendants have also organized fraud to the detriment of their performed by hundreds of millions of cancer patients only for a single purpose: to their financial gain.

1.1.6. AIDS and other infectious diseases

A similar deliberate fraud applies to the treatment of one of the deadliest epidemics in human history: AIDS. Ten years ago, scientific studies have shown that vitamin C is in a position to reduce the replication of the HIV virus by more than 99%. This fact was known to the accused for more than a decade.

The defendants willfully ignored and bypassed but this safe and inexpensive, non-patentable treatment, and instead developed a patentable drugs against AIDS, which had severe side effects and - due to the exorbitant patent fees - for most people on this planet are prohibitive. Through their criminal defendants are guilty, risking the lives of hundreds of millions of people in Africa, South America, Asia and other regions of the world and have also caused many deaths.

Similarly, they have boycotted the information that the most important measure to enhance immunity against infectious diseases in an optimal supply the body with vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid and certain other essential nutrients is. It is a scientific fact that these biocatalysts of cellular metabolism boost the production of white blood cells, the main weapon of the body against infections. The systematic restraint of this information, particularly before hundreds of millions of children and adults in developing countries, the pharmaceutical industry deliberately risked the lives of millions of people in these regions of the world. All defendants know that hardly anyone in these areas can make a pharmaceutical treatment, so that people simply die.

The withholding this lifesaving information about natural, non-patentable alternatives for prevention and control of infectious diseases not only leads to the death of millions of people, but also ruined the economies of many developing countries. As a direct consequence, the already existing imbalance has worsened dramatically in the current world economy. These countries are deliberately brought into a conflict they can only lose.

1.1.7. Other diseases

Similarly, other degenerative, inflammatory and infectious diseases, and many more of our time the most widespread diseases will only continue as health problems if the accused so decides, and protect them as markets for their criminal "business with disease".

1.2. Evidence for criminal marketing machinations of the accused

1.2.1 Intentional spread of diseases and creating new diseases in patients on the extension of the market for pharmaceuticals

To expand their markets, produce and distribute the defendants intentionally and despite the known harmful side effects, the following groups of drugs. In criminal manner the defendants create the pretext to fight existing diseases, new diseases consciously. The fact that these new diseases, which are caused by the side effects of these drugs show up until years later, is used as additional camouflage for this scam:

Cholesterol-lowering agents, particularly statins and fibrates are, under the pretext of preventing cardiovascular disease, marketed. It is known that these drugs are carcinogenic at doses that are administered currently millions of patients worldwide.

Means of chemotherapeutic treatments are sold on the alleged treatment of cancer. In fact, they have a number of strong adverse effects and of which the most common cause even new cancers. The entire criminal marketing machinations around the chemotherapy can only work because the defendants have made cancer a death sentence - and even the survival of a patient just a few months using chemotherapy is marketed by the defendants as a success.

Aspirin is marketed under the pretext that it prevents heart attack and stroke, while it is known that the use of this remedy away affects collagen-destroying over a longer period and thus gradually the risk of heart attack or stroke as well as other diseases such as stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding increased.

Anti-inflammatory agents are used to treat pain and inflammation, such as arthritis. However, many of these drugs destroy the connective tissues such as the joints. The long-term use of these drugs so aggravated health problems rather than cure them.

Calcium antagonists are marketed under the pretext to treat high blood pressure and prevent heart attacks, during long-term use of these medications are known to cause an increase in cases of heart attack, stroke and other diseases.

Estrogen and other hormone preparations are marketed under the pretext of preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, while it is known that long-term use of these agents in more than 30% of women who take them, leading to cancer. Above all commonly occurring forms of cancer, which are caused by these drugs are hormone-dependent, such as breast cancer and uterine cancer.

Sedatives and antidepressants. Another mechanism by which the accused systematically expand their markets, is the intentional causation of dependencies to increase drug sales. Many sedatives and antidepressants, including the widespread diazepam ("Valium") have dependency and addiction result. To promote worldwide sales of these drugs, the accused even praise them in full-page ads directly to potential consumers.

Other medications. Since patentability is a prerequisite for the investment business in the pharmaceutical industry, typical pharmaceutical agents are synthetic molecules that are toxic to the human body. Short-term remedy the symptoms while causing damage and gradual creation of new diseases as a basis for new drugs markets - for almost all drugs the same fraudulent business principle applies.

1.3. Expansion of drug markets to new diseases

Expand using their crimes, the defendants intentionally their existing market for pharmaceuticals, by inventing new diseases for which they recommend the drugs that have been recommended for other diseases. As a first proof to the following examples are presented below:

Headache pills allegedly bend against heart disease. Aspirin was originally developed as headache and painkiller and is now recommended by the defendants themselves healthy people alleged prevention and treatment of heart disease and other serious diseases for long-term use.

Antibiotics fight allegedly coronary heart disease. To expand the global market for their antibiotics, the defendants have the so-called "bacterial" theory of heart attack invented and spread worldwide. Without clinical evidence that chlamydia or other bacteria cause atherosclerosis or heart attack, the defendants have promoted the general use of antibiotics even for healthy people under the pretext of prevention of heart attack by criminal means.

These are just some examples of the machinations of the defendants systematically expand the use of their drugs to other diseases. In fact, this marketing practice is not the exception but the rule. The list of crimes that were committed in this context should be adapted and completed in the course of further investigation.

1.4. Crimes in connection with the systematic infiltration of various sectors of society in order to facilitate the execution of these crimes

The accused have systematically and deliberately infiltrated the medical and health sector of most countries in the world to offer financial and other dependencies to run their "business with disease 'and commit other crimes can. Medical research is not primarily in order to find the most effective, safest and most cost-effective treatment for a disease, but rather to determine the largest disease markets and to achieve the highest profits in this market for the drug companies. As part of this strategy, the defendants have systematically disappear through effective but non-patentable natural therapies over the last decades of the training programs of medical schools the knowledge. They deliberately produce generations of doctors who have little or no know the life saving health benefits of these natural therapies. At the same therapy training at the medical schools of the newly created departments named "pharmacology" was taken. So have virtually abandoned for decades generations of doctors the medical schools trained sales staff for the pharmaceutical "business with disease". To cover up this strategy, patented drugs were presented as "scientific" and even "ethical drug" baptized, while non-patentable natural therapies were discredited as "unscientific."

Similarly, the accused have systematically and deliberately infiltrated the mass media around the world, managed by financial and other dependencies. They spread false and deceptive information to conceal their criminal activities to promote their "business with disease" and to commit other crimes.

The accused deliberately and systematically legislation and that of most nations political system abused to pass laws to regulate and to support other measures that only serve one purpose: to increase sales ineffective and unsafe but lucrative pharmaceutical agents . The defendants have abused their political influence to enforce laws that would allow them to acquire trillions of dollars under the guise of "health insurance" and other public and private health funds. By promoting their fraudulent "business with disease" they have this money individuals, businesses and governments around the world pulled out of the bag by demanding payment for ineffective and dangerous therapies. Thereby, the accused secure exorbitant profits for the pharmaceutical industry and bring hundreds of millions of people unnecessary suffering and premature death.

The accused deliberately and systematically, the European Parliament and other regional and international bodies, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other national and international political institutions, subverted to commit their crimes against humanity can.

1.5. Crimes in connection with the systematic obstruction of effective, non-patentable health measures

To protect their artificial investment business with disease, the defendants have attempted to block people's access to non-patentable natural therapies strategically. To achieve this goal, the defendants have served several strategic resources:

Withholding vital information about non-patentable natural therapies. The accused deliberately and systematically the basic health information that the human body itself can not produce vitamin C (ascorbic acid), restrained in front of millions of people. This lack of knowledge almost all humans suffer from vitamin C deficiency and are susceptible to cardiovascular disease and other diseases. Similarly, the accused have systematically and deliberately even the basic health information that the human body does not produce the natural amino acid lysine, restrained in front of millions of people. This lack of knowledge almost all humans suffer from lysine deficiency and are susceptible to cancer and other diseases. Thereby, the accused deliberately cause further unnecessary suffering and the premature death of hundreds of millions of people.
Public discrediting of non-patentable natural therapies. The accused deliberately and systematically the public misled by the spread of false, misleading and fictitious information, by not discredited patentable therapies for diseases with the aim of protecting their "business with disease", which is based on patented drugs, and to extend and further to commit crimes. Thereby, the accused deliberately cause further unnecessary suffering and the premature death of hundreds of millions of people.
Prohibition of the dissemination of health information in relation to non-patentable natural therapies. The defendants have intentionally abused their political influence and is trying to get at both the national and international level legislation that would largely prohibit the dissemination of preventive and therapeutic health information in relation to non-patentable natural therapies. Same time, this legislation attempts to set arbitrarily low "upper limits" for the amounts of these natural and safe therapies - a step that will allow their use as natural therapeutic agents. By abusing the "Codex Alimentarius Commission" of the United Nations, the defendants have even tried to set these laws for all UN member states - ie the world.
1.5.5. Now that all peaceful efforts to protect the pharmaceutical "business with disease" have failed, the defendants turn to another strategy. Deliberately creating an international crisis, including wars, to create the psychological and legal requirements that enable immediate and global implementation of protection laws and perpetuate the continued existence of their "business with disease" and the other crimes of which they are accused, would .

2 Evidence of the crime of genocide, war crimes and other crimes against humanity in connection with the war of aggression against Iraq

The defendants make themselves guilty of the crime to intentionally stir up an international crisis, including wars of aggression, to a war with weapons of mass destruction.

The Defendants have unceasingly the tragedy of the 11th September abused to create an international crisis scenario that they have finally used as a justification for their war of aggression.

While the defendants maximized the psychological factor of this tragedy, they have simultaneously an official investigation of the actual events and the background of the 11th September blocked. It was the White House itself, which has hindered the establishment of an independent commission for more than a year.

Thus, while not yet fully known to the public the facts of this tragedy, the events of 11 were September abused from this day forward as a justification for the international crisis.

Although not a single convincing proof of the events of 11 Was published in September this tragedy was hergenommen simultaneously for the conquest of Afghanistan. The military conquest of Afghanistan followed by the looting of the natural resources of this country by the defendants for their personal financial benefit.

Similarly, the defendants have used this pretext to invade the next country: Iraq. Under the guise of the fight against armament of weapons of mass destruction, the defendants have attempted to force the world community to a war of aggression against Iraq.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of the UN Security Council, most of the UN member states, and an overwhelming majority of the world spoke out against this war, the defendants have nevertheless launched their attack.

The war was planned, started and led by the accused, took place without international mandate and thus constituted a war of aggression and a crime against humanity dar. If the accused be brought to justice for this crime does not, the entire system is of international law, which was developed after the Second World War to save humanity from destruction, collapse.

In the absence of an international mandate the accused remained as the only justification for this criminal act no other choice than to invent an excuse - their alleged search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Today the whole world knows that this was also a fake.

Soldiers and civilians alike - - During the war of aggression against Iraq, tens of thousands of Iraqi people were killed. Killing of this magnitude in a war without any international mandate corresponds to the offense of genocide.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of innocent people - including many children - injured or maimed or suffered physical or emotional damage caused by the criminal acts of the accused.

In addition, the defendants have deliberately and systematically seized the oil fields and other natural resources of Iraq for the purpose of exploiting them for personal gain. To cover up their crimes, the defendants spread the false justification that their seizure of oil resources in the interest and for the benefit of the Iraqi people would be.

With the occupation of Iraq and the appropriation of its resources in a war of aggression, the defendants also the crime of plunder and confiscation of enemy property are guilty.

The defendants have systematically encouraged the escalation of this crisis to curtail by so-called "anti-terror" laws, the civil rights further. In order to deceive the people, while the defendants committed their crimes, these laws were deliberately names like "Homeland Security Act" or "Patriot Act", which the political support for the repeal of civil rights was enforced.

While the defendants systematically organized this escalation, they also deliberately abused the media distraction and made their first train by trying to implement protection laws in favor of the pharmaceutical cartel. At that time, the U.S. Congress largely unknown, the Homeland Security Act, a provision was added that protected the drug manufacturers against product liability lawsuits.

This is only a brief summary of war crimes and crimes against humanity that were committed by the defendants, as well as its strategy to abuse these war crimes to only be able to commit more crimes, such as cementing their global "business with the disease. "

In the course of this investigation war crimes all available resources must be used to bring the accused to justice. This includes in particular all information that is available through the United Nations, the UN weapons inspectors, documentation of war crimes of Iraq and international sources, as well as from all other available sources.

The people of the world will demand to be part of this process and contribute documentation about these war crimes, in order to accelerate the process of justice.

Are charged the following people of different nationalities in the areas of economy, military and politics:
1 George Walker Bush, U.S. president. He is the main political executor of the interests of the pharmaceutical / petrochemical cartel. He is the chief political executive body of war crimes against Iraq and other crimes in this suit.
2 Anthony Charles Lynton ("Tony") Blair, Prime Minister of Great Britain. He is head and even political enforcer and an accomplice of George Bush in the perpetration of the crimes listed in the present action.
3 Bruce Richard ("Dick") Cheney, U.S. Vice President. Cheney was as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the top of the supplier of the oil industry and Halliburton Company of Dallas, Texas. After the conquest of Iraq, Haliburton became a key enterprise for the economic plunder of Iraq under the guise of reconstruction.
4 Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense. Rumsfeld was Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of several biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, including the pharmaceutical company GD Searle, now part of Pharmacia. Several decades, he was the organizer of the strategic pharmaceutical "business with disease". He has received various awards from the pharmaceutical industry. Besides George W. Bush Donald Rumsfeld was one of the main instigators of the war of aggression against Iraq.
5 John Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General at the time of the Iraq war. He is one of the strategists of the so-called "Homeland Security Act", one of the organizational tools that help systematically curtail the civil rights of the defendants in the United States. He is responsible for the protection laws that would largely preserve the pharmaceutical industry from being held accountable for their crimes in the United States accountable. He was succeeded in February 2005, Alberto Gonzales.
6 Tom Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security at the time of the Iraq war, a accomplice of John Ashcroft in cementing the political and economic control of the accused for the purpose of their unscrupulous business with disease and other crimes by systematically curtailing civil rights in the USA continue. He was succeeded in February 2005, Michael Chertoff.
7 Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser of the U.S. President at the time of the Iraq war. She is a former board member of the petrochemical company Chevron and the war of aggression has significantly supported the defendants. In February 2005, she was sworn in as Foreign Minister.
8 Jacob Zuma, Deputy President of South Africa and the African National Congress African National Congress (ANC), the ruling party. Deputy President Zuma believes that nutrition is not a substitute for appropriate HIV and AIDS treatment.
9 Ben Turok, Member of the African National Congress for the constituency of Muizenberg in South Africa. Professor Turok is the only surviving member of the original underground leadership structure of the South African Communist Party, which he joined in the late 1950s. After he appeared before use of the principles of health, peace and social justice, Ben Turok recently brought its support to the Treatment Action Campaign and called for the elimination of the scourge ... Rath.
10th Dianne Kohler Barnard, health spokesperson for the South African Democratic Alliance (South African Democratic Alliance) and a well-known radio journalist, was a tirade of personal Beschmipfungen against Dr. Rath and the South African Health Minister Manto Tshabalala Msimang from the stack, which consisted of half-truths, fairy tales and outright lies.
11th Professor Kader Asmal, former South African education ministers and senior MPs of the African National Congress, described the scientifically proven importance of diet in the treatment of AIDS as "quackery."
12th Dr. Karl Addicks, stellv ertend for the FDP parliamentary group, a member of the Africa Association. Shall be responsible for the continuation of a pharmaceutical genocide by toxic AIDS drugs (ARVs).
13th Other politicians and national and international political bodies, one of which will become clear in the course of the investigation, that they were involved in these crimes or financially benefited from them.
14th Members of the military who were involved in these crimes or of which will turn out later in the investigation that they were involved in these crimes or financially benefited from them.
In the pharmaceutical sector, the following Unternemen are charged:
1 Pfizer Inc., Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Henry A. McKinnell, the other Executives and the Board.
2 Merck & Co., Inc., Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Richard T. Clark, the other Executives and the Board.
3 GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Jean-Pierre Garnier, the other Executives and the Board.
4 Novartis AG Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Daniel Vasella, the other Executives and the Board.
5 Amgen Inc., the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kevin Sharer, the other Executives and the Board.
6 AstraZeneca, Chairman of the Board (CEO) Sir Tom McKillop, the other Executives and the Board.
7 Eli Lilly and Company, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sidney Downton, the other Executives and the Board.
8 Abbott Laboratories, the CEO (CEO) Miles D. White, the other Executives and the Board.
9 Other pharmaceutical companies, their executives and their management teams that maintain and support the "investment business with disease" and other crimes.
In the petrochemical industry, the following companies and their boards and managements are accused of:
1 ExxonMobil Corporation, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lee R. Raymond, the other Executives and the Board.
2 British Petroleum (BP), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Lord Browne of Madingley, Freng, the other Executives and the Board.
3 Chevron Corporation, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), David O'Reilly, the other Executives and the Board.
4 Other petrochemical companies, their executives and their management teams that benefit from the pillage and destruction of the war of aggression against Iraq.
The financial institutions behind the multinationals:
1 The Rockefeller Financial Group and the members of the Rockefeller family, the benefit of the crimes committed.
2 The Rothschild Group and all its members who benefit financially from this crime.
3 The JP Morgan Group and all its members who benefit financially from this crime.
4 J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), William B. Harrison Jr., the other Executives and the Board.
5 Other financial institutions, its chairman, managing directors and shareholders and any other persons, of which will be found in the further course of the investigation, that they were involved in these crimes or financially benefited from them.
Lobbying and interest groups in the economy:
1 The Trilateral Commission and its members, an institution which was founded by David Rockefeller to the interests of this investment group in the three regions of the Earth U.S., Europe and Japan - "trilateral" hence the name - to coordinate, including all of the commission members individually who are found guilty of having participated in these crimes or financially benefited from them.
2 The Treatment Action Campaign, a South African activist group, which is supported by the pharmaceutical industry and advertises in exchange for the treatment of all AIDS sufferers with toxic anti-retroviral drugs. Adurrazack (Zackie) Achmat, chairman of the TAC, is a vocal opponent of the South African government regarding the treatment of AIDS and anti-retroviral drugs policy.
3 The Treatment Action Campaign (see above). National manager and spokesperson for the TAC in South Africa is Nathan Geffen, a professor of computer science at the University of Cape Town.
4 Medicines Sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Borders, an international aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to if a population is in danger. The International Council of MSF / ÄOG is led by Dr. Rowan Gillies and supports the assignment of antiretroviral drugs as primary treatment of people in developing countries who are suffering from AIDS. MSF / ÄOG is a strong supporter of the Treatment Action Campaign.
5 Members of other lobbying and interest groups in the economy, one of which will be found in the further course of the investigation, that they were involved in these crimes or financially benefited from them.
Members of the International Media:
1 Axel Springer AG, and its CEO Dr. Döpfner. Europe's largest newspaper publisher, including titles such as "Image" and "The World." Dr. Dopfner is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the pharmaceutical company Schering AG, a manufacturer of drugs for chemotherapy, and - through a U.S. subsidiary - Leukine, a product used to treat side effects caused by the shutdown of the immune system as a result of this same chemotherapy.
2 Axel Springer AG (then) Chairman Dr. Giuseppe Vita, and until 2001 CEO of Schering AG. Meanwhile, Dr. Vita is Chairman of Schering AG (see above).
3 Quack Watch website by Stephen Barrett, MD, vice-president of the United States National Council Against Health Fraud and reviewer for several world-class medical journals. Dr. Barrett is accused of misleading the public and repeatedly deliver unsubstantiated claims about natural remedies, such as
4 Independent News & Media PLC, headed by Sir Anthony O'Reilly. Owner of Cape Times, The Star, The Mercury and many other newspapers in South Africa. The newspapers consistently support the position of the pharmaceutical industry to AIDS drugs, they attack the South African government, and the Dr. Rath Dr. Rath Health Foundation, because they tell the truth about these drugs. In addition, the newspapers distort the facts that are put forward by the TAC against the Foundation / Foundation.
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5 Botswana Newtrust Company Ltd., owner Trevor Ncube. Main shareholder of M & G Media and owner of the South African newspaper Mail & Guardian. Mail & Guardian has a series of attacks against Dr. Rath and Dr. Rath Health Foundation started after she changed her mind about the public health warnings of the Foundation.
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6 BDFM Publishers (Pty) Ltd is headed by its president Peter Joubert. Owner of the South African newspapers "Business Day" and "Financial Mail". Peter Joubert newspapers continually attack scientifically proven natural remedies and the work of Dr. Rath and the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and thus endanger the publication of false and inaccurate information human life.
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7 PCM Publishers B.V. The main shareholders are the "Apax Partners", an international investment company. PCM published in the "Algemeen Dagblad" in the Netherlands. The publisher is the animal Legal Bonjer January. The "Algemeen Dagblad" published false and misleading information about Dr. Rath and Dr. Rath Health Foundation.
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8 Media 24, is the owner Naspers Group Ltd.. Media24, whose chairman Ton Vosloo is also Non-Executive Chairman (non-executive Chairman) of Naspers, the editor of the website News24 that., The false accusations by Ben Turok, Member of the ANC, are repeated against Dr. Rath
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9 The Guardian Media Group, led by its chairman Paul Myners. Owner of British newspapers "The Guardian" and "The Observer" and former owner of the newspaper "Mail & Guardian" in South Africa. GMG still holds a 10% stake in the Mail & Guardian, and it will regularly share content.
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10th Of The Free Press of Namibia (Pty) Ltd.. , Owner of the newspaper "The Namibian", whose founder and editor Gwen Lister.
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11th The Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa is led by Mervyn King. It is founded and funded by the "Marketing Communications Industry" with the objective "to monitor advertising in the public interest". The ASASA clearly has a duty to ensure that the public receives accurate information that is not met.
12th Printing and Publishing Th grains KG publishes the "Gäubote - The Herrenberger newspaper". The "Gäubote" attacks based on our scientific research findings on the use of nutrients in the prevention and therapy of AIDS and the work of Dr. Rath and the Dr. Rath Health Foundation. Takes you through their false, misleading Publications human life in danger.
10th Black Bote media mbH, represented by its Managing Director Dr. Richard Rebmann, published the "Black Forest messengers". Dr. Rebmann is also represented in the Bureau of the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers since 1998. He is also Chairman of the West German media holding (SWMH). The SWMH holds a share in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", one of the largest national newspapers in Germany.
11th The printing and publishing company ltd märkische Potsdam is the "märkische General", Brandenburg and Berlin's highest-circulation newspaper subscription, and the "Potsdam newspaper" out. The "General märkische" is directed by Dr. Alexander Publisher Gauland and attacks based on our scientific research findings on the use of nutrients in the prevention and therapy of AIDS and the work of Dr. Rath and the Dr. Rath Health Foundation in. Takes you through their false, misleading Publications human life in danger.
12th The Media Union GmbH, Ludwigshafen publishes the "Rhenish Palatinate". The "Rhine Palatinate" attacks based on our scientific research findings on the use of nutrients in the prevention and therapy of AIDS and the work of Dr. Rath and the Dr. Rath Health Foundation. Takes you through their false, misleading Publications human life in danger.
13th Aschendorff Medien GmbH & Co. KG is the "Westfälische Nachrichten" out, who have teamed up with six other publishers to "Newspaper Group Münster" (ZGM). The composite produced a total daily circulation of more than 220,000 copies. The attached sheets are therefore among the most read in Münster.
14th Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius GmbH & Co. KG, is "the time" out, reached by its own account, with around 465.000 copies sold more than 1.98 million weekly readers. Largest opinion-weekly newspaper in Germany. Attacks based on our scientific research findings on the use of nutrients in the prevention and therapy of AIDS and the work of Dr. Rath. Takes you through their false, misleading Publications human life in danger.
15th Beate Klein participated in 2004/2005 to the media hunt for the little box Dominik and his parents. Dominik bone cancer had exploded through 16 chemotherapy-ups, after the application of cellular nutrients decreased and its metastases were finally no longer observed. During an inhuman pharmaceutical medicine denied him the life-saving delivery of cellular nutrients, pharmaceutical media put to him so unmercifully that he and his family had to flee abroad.
Now Ms. Klein received the "Expopharm Media Award 2005" for their campaign against the natural healing process of cellular medicine and its founder, the physician and scientist Dr Rath. This is abundantly clear in whose interests it works. Your shipments clearly represented the interests of the pharmaceutical business with the cancer, not the interests of millions of cancer patients.
16th SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG and its managing director Karl Dietrich Seikel give out the news magazine "Der Spiegel", along with the Internet site "Spiegel Online" one of the largest press organs of the Federal Republic. "The mirror" and was always stands forth with questionable articles and personal animosity about Dr. Rath and Dr. Rath Health Foundation and sets the lives of millions of people in the interest of the pharmaceutical cartel at risk.
17th Stefan Aust, editor of "mirror" since 1994. Under his leadership, the mirror opposite Focus was out in the field and brought to a cozying up with the Axel Springer group (eg, the common "resistance" to the spelling reform). In numerous articles that appeared under his responsibility in the mirror, and the Dr. Rath Dr. Rath Health Foundation are defamed and thus put the lives of millions of people in the interest of the pharmaceutical cartel at risk.
18th Roman Heflik, inter alia journalist for mirrors, Time and Geo. In an alienating article in the Mirror Edition 45/2005 Heflik attacks based on our scientific research findings on the use of nutrients in the prevention and therapy of AIDS and the work of Dr. Rath. He thus sets the lives of millions of people in the interest of the pharmaceutical cartel at risk.
19th All officers, directors, publishers, editors, journalists and other people who make inaccurate and misleading statements to effective, side-effect free natural remedies, prevent the dissemination of important health information and promote the use of toxic and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.
Other groups and individuals:
1 UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations HIV-/AIDS-Programm, its managing director Dr Peter Piot said that everyone who claims to be a medicine or vitamins a treatment for AIDS, was a charlatan.
2 The Dutch Union Against Quackery chaired by CNM Renckens accused the football club Heracles Almelo in the Netherlands to have defiled themselves because of their sponsorship agreement with the council organization with inhuman suffering.
3 All other individuals, organizations or institutions, one of which will be found in the further course of the investigation, that they were involved in these crimes or financially benefited from them.
International agreements that apply to this suit application
In addition to the Rome Statute of the International Court of Justice found the following international conventions and declarations for the serious allegations of this suit application:

The United Nations Charter
The Declaration of Human Rights of 8 December 1948
The Geneva Convention of Human Rights of 12 August 1949
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of 12 January 1951
The Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity (1968)
The principles for international cooperation in the detection, arrest, extradition and punishment of persons who have war crimes and crimes against humanity to justice (1973)

The defendants have the crimes listed above, knowingly and intentionally and with full knowledge of all the circumstances surrounding their actions perpetrated.

The crimes referred to in this complaint were committed against all mankind. The Court of Justice in The Hague is subject to international law and is responsible for these urgent matters.

In addition, the ICC was built after the Second World War and the war crimes trial with the aim to prevent further tragedies - possibly a world war.

1 Irrelevance of official capacity

The accused may be convicted both by the International Criminal Court and punished.

The Statute of the ICC applies equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as State or Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official shall not exempt a person from criminal responsibility under the Statute of the ICC and does not in itself constitute mitigation of punishment represents (Article 27, Section 1 of the Regulations).

Immunities or special procedural rules which may attach to national law or under international law to the official capacity of a person, shall not bar the Court from exercising its jurisdiction over such a person (Article 27, Section 2 of the Statute).

2 Excluding criminal responsibility

None of the defendants can appeal to those mentioned in Article 31 of the Statute reasons for excluding criminal responsibility.

The actions of the defendants were not designed to defend themselves or others, nor the defendants were in any other emergency situation which would justify such acts.

Also, none of the defendants can argue successfully that he / she was not able to due to the influence of drugs, mental confusion or similar mental limitations, assess or control his or her behavior the unlawfulness or nature of his or her behavior.

3 Jurisdiction for the punishment of members of the U.S. government and citizens of the United States

Even those among the defendants, who are citizens of the United States of America, can not require law enforcement immunity before the International Criminal Court, just because the U.S., unlike 90 other countries around the world (ie almost half of the members of the United Nations ), not one of the signatories of the Rome Statute.

The defendants have long made plans to escape punishment by the International Criminal Court. But they will not succeed.

After George W. Bush's predecessor as president of the United States, Bill Clinton, the Statute of the International Criminal Court was signed on New Year's Eve 2000 was one of Bush's first acts after taking office on 21 January 2001 to take back to the affront to the international community, the signing of the Statute by his predecessor.

However, this does not exclude the accused from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, since the mere execution of the crimes that are associated with the actions that are brought before the ICC, establish the criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the Statute.

It is immaterial whether the person belongs to a particular Member State because the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over individuals and not over states and these people individually criminally responsible and liable for punishment (Article 25, sections 1 and 2 of the Statute). This individual criminal responsibility shall affect the responsibility of States under international law (Article 25, section 4 of the Statute).

The attempt by U.S. Secretary of State Powell, to obtain from signatory countries such as Albania and Sierra Leone immunity for American citizens in a carrot-and-stick action, was also doomed to failure.

However, the Security Council decided not to, as the U.S. government and therefore requires the majority of the defendants, namely that they themselves should be able to decide whether the International Criminal Court could take steps against them or not.

The UN Security Council would not tolerate. One can only imagine what would have happened if the main accused in the Nuremberg war crimes trial, the choice would have been granted if they would stand trial or not, or if Milosevic would have to decide whether he prefers the charges in The Hague or in Belgrade provides.

The Council Resolution 1422 applies only to acts that "are performed in connection with an operation that was initiated or approved by the United Nations."

It clearly does not apply in cases where the aggressors themselves flout the law and the community of nations and begin a criminal war of aggression and lead.

For these reasons, subject to the defendants, even if they are citizens of the United States of America, still the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

The persons referred to should be tried because of the aforementioned in this complaint valid reasons before the International Criminal Court.

The investigations concerning the individual responsibilities of the accused must be taken up and continued by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

These investigations will be continued and intensified by the people of the world.

The accused should be convicted for the following reasons:

willful and intentional violation of the human right to peace;
willful and intentional violation of the human right to life;
willful and intentional violation of the human right to health.
Such an action must be up to the start of the trial of the accused constantly updated and completed.

The present action is concerned with the greatest crimes ever committed in the history of mankind. Every day that the formal process is delayed by the International Criminal Court against the defendants to pay millions of people around the world with their lives and move to the next world war one step closer to the world. There should be no delays.

As the prosecutor for the United States in the war crimes trial against the manager of the chemical / petrochemical cartel IG Farben, said: "If the crimes were committed by the accused, can not be brought to light, and if the defendants are not held responsible, are they commit in the future far worse crimes. "

We call on every person and every government in the world to get behind these accusations. The time has come to act.

The Hague, Netherlands
14th June 2003

On behalf of the people of the world,

Matthias Rath, MD

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